Be Good To Your Health and Your Health Will Be Good To You

Are you working to much? You could be one of 50 million Americans taking work related health risks.

This is especially true for solo entrepreneurs, who must wear many hats.

Friends say you look great! And you feel like superman or wonder woman. But how healthy are you really?

Hidden risks such as high blood pressure, heart attacks, and prostrate cancer can occur without warnings.

Doctors say, those who feel healthy will most likely not get regular checkups.

Long range health risks don't discriminate by age, race or lifestyle. Your health is akin to your car, neglect oil changes or tune ups and you`re hitch hiking.

What are your options?

1. Regular checkups

2. A healthy food diet

3. Adequate sleep/rest habits

4. Exercise

Self-health maintenance of body, mind and spirit are all wellness advantages.

Robert Wardrick is co-host of Sidebars for the everyday woman, sidelights you won't find on Dr, Phil or Oprah.